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Monday, May 9, 2011

Another week gone by..,.

Hi everyone,

I have had a hard time of it this past week.  I'm doing ok overall, but my stomach has been giving me a little trouble.  I guess that is what the anti-nausea medications are for, but usually by the time a week has past since treatment, there is no problem.  Today, I don't feel like eating and I haven't eaten very much today.  I was hoping to have a good lunch, but it just isn't going to happen.  I still have some joint pains, but it isn't as bad as it has been in the past.  I guess I am just getting used to it.  I think numbness is more a problem, especially when I am trying to open some kind of package.  Life is treating me well and I hope that I can continue to do more things as time goes by.

Today, I went to the Activity and Recreation Center (ARC) and walked laps and spent some time on one of the bikes that works the arms.  I really think that I need to get more time working out so that I don't waste away.  Already, I feel like I have aged and it scares me.  Maybe now I look my age instead of 10 years (or more) younger than I really am.  I shouldn't complain because it is good to look young, but it is frustrating when you are close to 50 and people tell you they think you are under 30.  I talked to one old lady and she told me about a fitness class that might do what I'm hoping to accomplish.  I was really surprised when she told me she was 72 because she looked so young.  I hope that I look that well when I get to be that age.  Note that I said when.  I don't plan to give up even if the going gets tough.  I guess I will wait and see what the future holds in store for me.

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