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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Another year almost over and I am still here!

Here it is, just 8 days before Christmas and I can say I have made it through another year...and what a year it has been!  I started out the year finishing one regimen of chemo and then found a tumor on my surgical scar so I started yet another type of chemo.  I made a trip to Thailand for 6 weeks which gave me a two month break from chemo.  I moved from Missouri to Alaska at the end of the summer having restarted on the chemo in the beginning of July.  I continued on the same chemo for another three months, losing my hair once again.  That takes me up to late October I believe.

My life in Alaska is somewhat different from when I was in Missouri because I am now living with my sister.  She is training a puppy to be a service dog and we got a boxer to do the same thing for me.  Unfortunately, he didn't work out and we had to sell him.  It is not all bad because we now have another puppy that is a lot calmer, but won't be big enough to help me with balance which is what I really need.  We will be getting a bigger version of him in the spring.

I have been trying to eat healthier and I think that had a lot to do with the cancer clearing up although the doctors will probably try to tell me different since I was on chemo the entire time so there is no proof that the diet had anything to do with it.  I guess I will see what happens when I see the doctor again next week.  I had a CT a couple of weeks ago and the only thing that showed up on that was blood clots in my lungs so I am back on the blood thinner shots (I hate that!) but at least there was No Evidence of Disease so I can finally say "I am dancing with NED"!  I hope that I can continue to say that for many years to come, but if I believe what the doctors tell me, this will never go away.  I don't buy that and I never will.

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