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Friday, October 21, 2011

Although this isn't the best picture in the world, it does show how I look now.  I am currently in treatment using temoxefen (not sure of spelling) and I find that I hurt a lot less.  I hope it is effective so I don't have to go into chemo again.  I will see in another two weeks.


  1. Hi Debbie. Everything will be fine soon.
    I was diagnosed with Myoma and ovarian cyst in 2007. I didn't go under the knife because according to my OB-Gyn the ovarian cyst was benign. My cyst did shrunk as I was prescribed to take pills.

  2. I have lost 3 friends to Ovarian Cancer. Its heartbreaking, especially since 2 were so far along it had spread all through the body and it was too late to operate. The other barely survived 6 months from the diagnosis. I miss the terribly!

  3. @ llly

    I am so sorry to hear that. We, women, should listen to our body. One thing I learned from my OB was when you feel something strange during you monthly period you must have yourself right away.
